New entry, April 4, 2011:
This is Barley, a white lab. :)
She is the latest addition to the dogs in my family home. I love dogs, maybe because I came from a family of dog lovers. When I was growing up, we used to have at any one time ~ 4 dogs. My stepmom loved alsatian; dad loved lab and great dane.
Since I can't have my own dog at the moment, I took this pic to cheer me :)
Entry posted on Jan 28, 2010:
'A Big Little Life' is a book that I am currently reading which is a memoir of a joyful dog by Dean Koontz (who is apparently famous for his bestselling thrillers). Since I am not a fan of thrillers, I havent read any of his books until I got this one. Reading the heartwarming memoir made me think that
... a dog's life must be really 'authentic' because a dog is a person's best friend and its love lasts more than a lifetime. A dog brings fun, pure love and affection to its owner and never asks for anything in return. Read the reviews on this book at the link below.
Reading this memoir reminds me of my family dog many years ago, 'Scooby'. Scooby was a great dane and he was a very special dog. He is the only dog (among the 3 or 4 we had then) that was allowed in our house and he enjoyed the privilege of walking around our house. He is especially attached to my brother, who took him for walks and bathed him. He was indeed a very special dog:-)>
Trixie (Dean Koontz' dog) must have been very special and touched his and his wife's lives deeply that he has dedicated a website for her. He wrote, " if by the example of her joy and innocence, a dog can greatly change two lives for the better, then no life is little, and every life is big. The mystery of life is the source of its wonder, and the wonder of life is what makes it so worth living." Check out 'I, Trixie who is dog' website at