Considering that this post gets quite a number of viewers, I have to make it clear that I posted the car pics here not because that they are expensive/luxury cars but... because of the registration number, ie. no. 9!! If you have browsed my blog, you will read a post about the number 9 :)
It has been a year since I was introduced to Unicity and I am happy to say that I am enjoying better health and is less worried about my health condition nowadays. The results can be seen by the many comments (compliments!!??) I received, eg.
"you look brighter these days",
"you have lost weight!",
"you look younger!" ...
But then it is not how I look, but how I feel inside is important :))
Last Entry (12 Apr 2011)
Haha..., you will be wondering why I have all these pix of luxury cars in my supposedly authentic livling blog??? Please read on to find out...
I was introduced to Unicity by a friend last month. Anyone who is into body detox and herbal products will ultimately be introduced to Unicity (my believe ~ unless you are already a practitioner of natural home remedies and herbal stuff). Hence, if you are a follower or just happened to browse my blog, let me share my experience with you here...
As you can see from my past entries (postings), I have wrote about my search for a detox program and the health farm that I have gone through to gain knowledge about healthy lifestyle. My life at this juncture, I would say that I have time freedom but not so much of financial freedom and even less health freedom. The latter has been worrying me for the past year. Then, I was introduced to the "Happy Life Project", a program designed by an organisation, Unipower, which is based in Bangkok, Thailand. Unipower is the business partner of Unicity (USA). Unipower has touched the life of thousands of people in Thailand and Unicity's herbal products have helped more than a million people there, including people suffering from illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chollestrol, hormone imbalance, etc. Others who are not suffering from any illness, like me, take the products to maintain good health in order to achieve health freedom status.
After hearing about the goodness of Unicity products and the viable system designed by Unipower, I decided to take a trip to Bangkok with my friends to attend a Unipower seminar last weekend. As my friend said, you need to be present (there in Bangkok) to feel the energy and vibration from the 10,000 people who are in the huge hall! Believed me, I FELT THE ENERGY!!! I was mesmerised by the huge crowd!
After the seminar, I had the priviliged of meeting the Unipower founder at his guest house located in the affluent housing estate in Bangkok. Again, I was mesmerised by the huge lovely house and all the luxury cars (a white lamborghini, a white bentley, a white porche cayenne and a black sport merc) he has in his driveway. Looking at him (at forty-plus), he is full of vitality and exudes good health ~ he looks like a young child full of enthusiasm and life. In order to protect his privacy, I will not post his pic here but posted some pix of his luxury cars.
Well, if you are given the opportunity to be introduced to Unicity, please listen and try out their products. You don't have to look further ~ you will gain your health freedom soon, and the time and financial freedom as well and live a happy and fulfilling life...
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