"Numbers are an inspirational journey where it unlocks the door to self-awareness. They inspire one to question life’s purpose and seek the truth of self-realization. You will be amazed to know that numbers can tell a lot about almost everything that links to every human form and the environment surrounding us"
I have wondered about my affinity with number '9' since 18yo (ref. post on May 2, 2011). And last month, a friend introduced Visiber (Vision + Number) to me and through it I found out that indeed my base number is '9' and the personality trait of number 9's is very optimistic and open minded; loves to look neat and presentable at all times; very civilized, intelligent, alertness and sensitive. '9' knows when and how to attack and defend. Good at winning one's heart. Do things very fast and capable with their work but not in details. He/she doesn't take care of his subordinates. Outwardly, looks tough but soft inside. An emotional person, feeling of loneliness. Hmmm... I think the last three lines do not apply to me because I trust and respect my staff more than my clients. I am very resilient which can be translated to being tough and whenever I feel lonely or bored, I will look for a book to read/blog or call/look for my friends.
Apparently, each of us is born with a certain set of numbers. When some of the numbers are missing in our life, we are unable to reach our potential in life and may face many obstacles. Hence numerology can be used to lead us back to the right life path and live the life meant to be. Now, if you are like me: a believer in the power of the universal laws and LoA, it would be easy to believe in numerology as well. It is said that with the knowledge of your hidden field of potential and an in-depth understanding, you can gain mileage in a more profound life experience, which could be within your grasp and ultimate control. Life’s destiny is not destined without mercy nor control, but certainly within your capacity to crystallize a situation for yourself.
I am a believer and am practising it ~ hoping that it will lead me to the right path in my quest to live an authentic life :)