Have you ever been told that you have an affinity to a certain number?
When I was 9 years old, I was told that the number 9 would be a very special number for me. At that young age, I don't know anything about numerology, did not pay any attention to it.
Then, when I was 15yo, I obtained a total aggregate of 9 for a major exam and at 17yo, an aggregate of 18 for another major exam. Looking at my results, it struck me that I do have some sort of relationship with the number 9! I do not know how the relationship works, but I have since taken number 9 as my lucky number ~ any major event in my life, after that realisation, would be planned on th 9th or 18th day of the month (the two most favourite numbers) and to a lesser degree, on the 27th. By far, 18 is my most favourite number ~ my handphone number ends with 1800 :)
When I went looking to purchase a house, I bought one next to a number 18. Most recently, I found a rented place which faces house number 18 and beside house number 9. I am now living in this rented place and is trying to understand more deeply the extend of my relationship with number 9.
Btw, as I write this post, my visitor counter stands at 1080 :))
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