Friday, February 12, 2010

A conversation with my son

Today, in the midst of CNY preparation, I had to pop into UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Msia) to meet up with Prof Khalijah Mohd Salleh at its Faculty of Physics to discuss about the Permata's Early Maths, Logical Thinking and Understanding of the World module. Permata is a national early years project which was started 3 years ago to provide equal opportunity for young children (1 - 4 yrs old) in urban poor and rural areas in Malaysia to have access to developmentally appropriate program.

I was there with three other colleagues and

... I brought my youngest son (Lucas) along. Lucas was amazed with the huge university's ground and said it looks like a village. This is my first visit to UKM as well and as I was driving around looking for the Physics' building, I was telling him that I have visited five universities in the past two years. He said,"Mummy, you must be very clever to go to five universities" (thinking that I have gone there to study). Not to loose the opportunity to make him aware of the importance of studying hard, I jokingly said to him, "Well, since I am clever, then you must be a clever boy too, right? And if you are not clever, are you an adopted child then?" He learnt about adoption in school yesterday and when he came home, he asked me whether his elder brother is an adopted child. I asked him why? He said, "Because Nick (his elder brother) always bully and shout at him"

He knew I was joking when I said that he was adopted.


  1. How old is Lucas?

    Be careful what you tell your kids, that's how unbased 'myths' are formed! :)


  2. Lucas is 8. He knew that I was joking and that his brother was not adopted too:)
