Sunday, February 21, 2010

Multiple Intelligences = Interest?

More stuff on brains and how it affects our learning styles and interest...

According to Howard Gardner (famous for his MI theory, click on the link below to know more), he wants his children to understand the world and an important part of that understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do..., ultimately, ...

... we must synthesize our understandings for ourselves.

During my schooling days, I was more interested in languages (English and BM classes) than maths or science subjects. As for geography and history, it depends on how it was written, I particularly liked the presentation of the form 1 - 3 geography books. Since I am inclined to like language and its usage, I must have linguistic intelligence [:)] which led me to create this blog. I guess I needed to find a way to pursue my interest. In creating this blog, I realised that I am not only linguistically intelligent but may be existentially as well (an addition to the MI list, which Gardner is still considering).

Although my potentials to write and think may not be at par with poets, great writers and thinkers, I still like (interested) to write and think. This is my interpretation of MI; MI=INTEREST.

To find out about your intelligence, go to:

Article on Howard Gardner's MI Theory:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CNY Celebration: A Time to Rejoice and Appreciate

I remember when I was young, CNY is all about wearing new clothes, shoes and receiving ang pows. Now, all grown-up with a family of my own, CNY is about catching up with family members and strengthening relationships (or re-newing strain ones), especially those whom I only meet once a year. Embracing it with good spirit, it is really a time to rejoice and appreciate one another; not about the reunion dinnner (or what is on the table) but making the effort to 'balik kampung' and ...

... to spend some time together. Memories like these will keep our relationships alive.

This year, all my siblings and their families were able to 'balik kampung' except for a brother who just left for overseas. We have been missing each other for a number of years and this year's celebration was amazing; there were 14 children and 16 adults (30 pax at one time). The children had so much fun together that they were reluctant to leave; my sister-in-law has to call out to her son a few times and he reluctantly went into the car.

An amazing time; in terms of family dynamics and sharing of stories. Hope we will have more amazing times ahead :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

A conversation with my son

Today, in the midst of CNY preparation, I had to pop into UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Msia) to meet up with Prof Khalijah Mohd Salleh at its Faculty of Physics to discuss about the Permata's Early Maths, Logical Thinking and Understanding of the World module. Permata is a national early years project which was started 3 years ago to provide equal opportunity for young children (1 - 4 yrs old) in urban poor and rural areas in Malaysia to have access to developmentally appropriate program.

I was there with three other colleagues and

... I brought my youngest son (Lucas) along. Lucas was amazed with the huge university's ground and said it looks like a village. This is my first visit to UKM as well and as I was driving around looking for the Physics' building, I was telling him that I have visited five universities in the past two years. He said,"Mummy, you must be very clever to go to five universities" (thinking that I have gone there to study). Not to loose the opportunity to make him aware of the importance of studying hard, I jokingly said to him, "Well, since I am clever, then you must be a clever boy too, right? And if you are not clever, are you an adopted child then?" He learnt about adoption in school yesterday and when he came home, he asked me whether his elder brother is an adopted child. I asked him why? He said, "Because Nick (his elder brother) always bully and shout at him"

He knew I was joking when I said that he was adopted.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's in events and dreams?

New entry (4 March 2011):

Lately (the past couple of months), I have dreams that have similar theme, ie. a feeling of lost or couldn't find my way to a place which I frequented.

In one dream, I was in an elevator. The elevator kept on moving from floor to floor and when it stopped, it was not the floor that I wanted to get off. The elevator moved up and down by itself and I just couldn't find the floor that I was supposed to get off.

Another dream had me walking up flights of stairs and the staircase got narrower and steeper as I climbed (in reality, I am afraid of height and steep staircases). I had similar dreams throughout 2010. Sometimes, the flight of stairs were disjointed and I had to jumped from one to another.

Recently, I dreamt of going to a hotel that I used to go. I stepped into the hotel and realised that it was not the same hotel that I had frequented. When I stepped out, I asked people around for the location of the hotel that I wanted to go, but nobody seemed to know. Then I met a boy who said he knew and asked me to follow him. He brought me to a hill but we couldn't find the hotel there. In the end, I decided to get a cab and head for home.

I wish I could interpret these dreams, are they:

i. merely the reflections of the mind at rest, ie. the subconscious mind re-playing thoughts that are stored (such dreams apparently has no significant to reality); or

ii. some kind of prophetic dreams, ie. appeared only when there is an impending event which is of great relevance to the dreamer. Such dreams can apparently warn of impending danger or even prepare the dreamer for sudden overwhelming good news; or

iii. pictures taken from the depository of karmic energies, ie. an action that is going to happen which is linked to a previous life or early part of the dreamer's life.

Entry posted on 7 February 2010:

Since The Secret, I was really intrigue by the law of attraction; if you keep thinking of something (in a positive or negative way), the forces of the universe will make it happen (one way or another). I think that's why people always remind us to be careful of what you wish for (good or bad), because it will happen.

I believe that when one is attuned to one's soul(or in the process of), it is possible to

... be aware of the law of attraction and seeing how it works. Scientists would call it 'serendipity'. However, to chance upon something, the scientist must have a 'prepared mind' in order to be aware of this 'chance finding'. Therefore, the forces of universe has worked on his 'prepared mind'. If the scientist hasn't prepared his mind for all possibilities, he might have missed the 'chance finding'.

Hence, when one is attuned to one's soul, one is beginning to be aware of every little thing that is happenning in one's life; every event, dream, etc. Prior to reading the 'Secret', I didn't put much thought in the law of attraction. Reflecting on one particular event (incident) happened years ago; a baby snake (black in colour and about 5 inch long) was found in the middle of my living room one early morning. I reacted by killing it and throwing it in the drain (an act which I regretted later). I searched for possibility of how the snake came into my living room. How did it appear? Is it an omen? I asked my sister, who told me that it may be an omen but we don't know what it meant. I then asked my friends and some told me that it could be some sort of a protective force (according to my Indian friends). I took it that way because at that time, I was thinking of expanding my small business and it served as a guiding force for me to think through more carefully about my decision to expand.

Dream is another aspect that I am intrigue of, eg. I once dreamt of gliding above the ocean on a glider, feeling peaceful as I look down at the beautiful blue ocean. At that time, I was involved in a project and we were preparing for a VIP's visit. The review was good and I was so relief to learnt that the VIP was happy with what we have done. Later I found out the meaning of my dream; reflects a sense of confidence and a deep sense of relief. There are many other dreams but I shall not bore you with them here.

Well, I may not believe one hundred percent in the law of attraction but learning about it has opened my mind to be more aware of the unexplained forces of the universe.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Organic Food

Of late, I have been buying organic stuff (honey, lemon juice, olive oil & bread). Not that I am going organic but more for dieting purposes (to shed off the 5kg that I have loaded!). My initial supplies came from a store in PJ.

After asking a friend, I found a small local store(otherwise I would have to get it from PJ, which is 60km away!). This store has other health food and supplement as well; will definitely frequent it often.

Monday, February 1, 2010

YES! A counter for my blog

I am not tech savvy (I'm sure it's obvious from the constant changes to my blog). I was trying to add in a visitor counter; tried various free sites and finally

... found one which is easy to upload and user friendly (phew!).

It is a simple counter, well, as long as it serves the purpose! I am happy, YES!!! :-)