Monday, March 15, 2010

CHI Workshop in KL

New entry (30 January 2011):

The Malaysian Child Helpline was launched in Nov 2010 in conjuction with Talian Nur. The number to call is 15999

Entry posted on 15 march 2010:

The CHI (Child Helpline Intl) ASEAN peer to peer exchange workshop 2010 was held last week in KL. Reps came from Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand and Msia. Also in attendance were reps from Swizterland and the Netherlands. The situation given by every country's rep is not very pretty and much more effort needed to done for our young children ...

... to enable them to stand up and come forward to seek help. Many children are helpless and don't know how or where to seek help. With the implementation of child helpline, it is hoped that we can help these helpless children and empower them to have a better life and future.

The success of child helpline in reaching out to the children is dependent on the support of many parties, ie. parents, communities, ngos, corporate sponsorship, media coverage, police and government agencies involved. I was informed that the child helpline in India is able to reach the child in trouble within an hour after the call of help came in. Such speed and urgency is important to remove/save the child from dangerous situation.

The stories that were shared by the reps were so sad and touched each and everyone of us. Even though I was not involve directly in any particular case, listening to their stories made me realised that experiential knowledge can be passed on when people become very involved with each other in conversation. Burnard (1988) put it succinctly, 'it is only when we are so detached from others that we treat them as objects that no experiential learning can occur.'

1 comment:

  1. The Malaysian Child Helpline was launched in Nov 2010 in conjuction with Talian Nur. The number to call is 15999.
