Friday, March 5, 2010

Phenomenal stories...

Recently, I heard two stories... that left me feeling 'in awe' of how great things..., wonderful things happen to people who are givers, who don't think of getting anything in return. I am honoured to be associated with such wonderful, genuine and authentic people.

The first story was about how this person quit her stressful job and wanted to ...

... start a homebased business. Not knowing how or where to start, she sat in her kitchen and started talking to herself. Later when she was cleaning her house, she happened to look at a portrait of Jesus she bought few years ago and decided to have a conversation with the Lord Jesus. She did this everyday until one day, she realised that Lord Jesus had heard her; she knew exactly how she is going to start her home business and what she must do. Lord Jesus has shown her the path that she should take. After that, unexpected wonderful things happened everytime she had a conversation with Lord Jesus. So, one day, she decided to ask Lord Jesus, "If you heard me, please give me some indication that it is you'" That night, she dreamt of Lord Jesus. The next day, she woke up with a wonderful feeling and knew that it is indeed, Lord Jesus. Wow, what a phenomenal story!

The second story was about a family which had wanted to buy a home but had to put it off for many years. Until last year, when an aquaintance they knew (who is a successful man) decided to give them a house with renovation and fittings all thrown in! The S&P was signed under the husband's name. This family has always been a giver and helped a lot of people. They were speechless and couldn't believe thier eyes when they saw the house. They are still in a daze (I would too!) and are thankful to God. Another phenomenal story!

Once in a while, we hear such phenomenal stories and they remind us to do good to other people, be a giver and if we were to ask for something, let the receiver be another person, not ourselves.

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